Slightly belatedly, Happy New Year to all our readers (assuming I have some left after such a long lay-off !).
As you may have gathered, the closing months of 2013 were a busy time for us and therefore blogging went on hold for a time.
A quick catch-up seems in order.
As a general thing I`m not all that interested in topical plays and have even less interest in plays that feature actors best known for their TV work. However, November found me travelling to Nottingham to see Ben Miller (Death in Paradise, Armstrong and Miller) in the Duck House, a play about the MPs expenses scandal of a few years ago.
The plays` blend of satire and farce worked well and produced many laugh-out-loud moments. The main weakness came in a superfluous closing address to the audience by Miller, still in character as a terminally half-witted politician. It was not apparent at first that he was still playing a part and in fact some of the audience misunderstood the situation and heckled him !
Back in the real world, The Ramblers continue to meet with some success in their campaign for a coastal path. Visit to learn more.
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission has been highlighting the role played by women in World War One. To learn more, click here ; .
This blog has been effusive in its` praise for that august periodical The Nottinghamshire Walker. Sadly, that worthy organ ceased to be appear during 2013. However, all is not lost as it made a partial return in the form of a special issue at the end of last year.
Features include ; Des Whicher Remembered, HS2 ; Its` Effects on our Rights of Way, The Changing Countryside. In addition there is much in the way of `news and views`including updates on the Sherwood Forest Project and local campaigns such as that waged by Worksop Ramblers in a bid to save paths threatened by a proposed new Tesco.
I`m sure a spare copy can be found if anyone wants to see it ; try .
That`s all for now. I`ll try to be a touch more prolific this year, but I`m not making any promises !